Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Tuesday, December 06, 2005


Der Höhepunkt der Wanderung auf die Hohe Kugel, ein wunderbarer Ausblick ins Rheintal, ein Gefühl von Ueberlegenheit, zumindest was die Höhe anbelangt..Jetzt schöne Erinnerung, denn die Tage werden kälter ..

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Say goodbye to summer sky

Die letzten schönen Herbsttage sind gekommen, der Himmel ist noch einmal erfüllt von diesem satten allesumschlingenden Blau, die rauschenden Farben der Blätter ändern sich täglich, die Sonne wir leiser und rarer, ein paar Strahlen überdauern im Herzen, wenn der Frost am Morgen die Blätter ziert

Sunday, July 10, 2005



If you think about the term "weather" this is a main theme in many people's lives. Some conversations even start with a statement like" we had such a horrible weather during the past days" even complete strangers, meeting at the bus stop or in oter common places all of a sudden smile at each other, as if they had known each other for ages, and all because the weather is such an important topic, as they say, it influences their whole personality.
I sometimes catch myself beeing a bit moody when it has been raining for a period of time, but is it really the bad weather that influences the emotions and state of mental health , or is the weather just an excuse, just an aliby to bring bad emotions and past aggression to the surface?
Is the human itself not continously the same, not depending on how good or bad the weather is?
I think finding different weather conditions even is a great alternation, what would we all be like if there was nothing else but sunshine? People would meet at the bus stop and start a conversation like: Oh, the sun, it's been so hot and sunny all the time. If I hear talks like that I watch and smile for myself and think, what does it take to satisfy people complaining about unimportant things as if they had nothing else to do.. Still everyone has a right to live their personality...

Friday, July 08, 2005

No regrets

As times go bye
they think and sigh
about their past
life moving fast
instead of taking
what life offers now
they try to sort out
past thoughts
it all will change
with every day
so if they stay in the past
they will stay there
forever away -by av-

Try and see it

If you have got a new camera, all of a sudden the world is turning into something different, into a great bit consisting of many small and different pieces, you start seeing details that you normally just pass by, a completely new world that goes deeper than the surface is opening up for you.
It is great to watch your eyes open continously, ro receive what lies benath..